I use Gatsby, Netlify CMS and Netlify
GitHub repo: https://github.com/code-istvan/bw.
The linked tags work within the blog post. This is my blog page: https://bandha.works/blog.
What I'd like your help me to write the code in gatsby-node.js to render the page of the posts associated with the tags. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to do this yet.
This is my tags.js code:
https://codepen.io/santosa8/pen/ExRQvdx?editors=0010This is my gatsby-node.js code:
https://codepen.io/santosa8/pen/XWYZZVK?editors=00102.1 I want to create a blog roll component that I can use elsewhere.
2.2 I want to create a blog roll page, that render all the tags on one page.
This is my blogtags.js code: